Sunday, July 6, 2014

Emotional Vampire...

You stopped by unannounced.
I'll never understand that.

As soon as I see you, you make a snide remark about the amount that was spent on Jackson's birthday present. When I explain the situation and you see there's no room to argue, you immediately turn it around so it sounds like I'm taking advantage of them. I then explain that, which is just ridiculous for me to have to do, and you turn it into a complaint about my husband and I helping someone out who needs love and compassion in their lives right now. When I tell you I'm fine with the situation and explain that it isn't worth your concern, you give me a nasty look, back up, and glare at me until I'm out of sight. 

In the middle of this, he makes a comment about how he would kiss me, but you would get jealous.

It just hit me.

You're miserable.

Misery loves company, which is why you do your best to bring me down each time you have any contact with me. Maybe it's a blessing that you're too busy all the time. Maybe I shouldn't beg for your attention. Things happen for a reason, right?

I will not give you power over my life.

I'm happy.
I'm secure.
I'm loved. 

I have an incredibly healthy relationship with my husband. My child is the most precious part of my life. I experience joy every day... and that joy isn't contingent on your idea of what is and isn't right. You no longer have the power to make me feel guilt for any decision I have or haven't made. I am a wonderful person and that kills you inside. I'm the example of what you could have been. 

I hate that you're unhappy.
...but I will not let you ruin my happiness.

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